The Link: What has Ecology got to do with Tourism?
Date: October 21, 2020, Wednesday
Time: 10:00 AM Philippine Standard Time
Speaker: Louie F Mencias, Tourism Planning Consultant, Bluewater Consultancy
Natural places have outstanding features that have the potential for life-enhancing experiences. Tourism product development helps create opportunities for people to develop a deep understanding and appreciation of nature. This talk featured the Buhay Program and the ecosystem-based products designed to achieve environmental, social and economic goals. The program includes capacity building for host communities in natural attractions or protected areas to get them included in the tourism value chain.
One of the more significant trainings is for local guides who will facilitate recreational and soft adventure activities that are dependent on the natural features and dominant ecosystems. The program creates livelihood opportunities for fisherfolks, farmers, out of school youth, the unemployed and indigenous people in the rural countryside. Moreover, it encourages communities to take more active roles in preserving their heritage, nature conservation and protection of wildlife.
Learn about the “Buhay Program” and how it can capacitate marginalized members of rural communities to engage in various ecotourism-related micro-enterprises.
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